Design is within the fibers.
design, fashion, "art direction", diversity, "Sela Lewis", "New York City", NYC, DC, "graphic designers", "creative directors", animation, environmental, "web development", black, "African American", women, fashion, interactivity, Sela, Lewis
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Design is within the fibers.

Usability Testing | Know Your Options Virtual Assistant

UX Challenge | Peapod

Presentation | Slow Design to Solve Big Problems

D.C. Metrorail Navigation

Poster Redesign: Blade Runner 20149

Video: A (Brief) History of Bad Hip-Hop Debates

Video: Radial Typeface, Part Two

Get Out The Vote Poster

Video: ESSA Animation

Renovation Design: The Education Trust

Video: Radial Typeface, Part One

College Decision Road Map

College Begins in Kindergarten Logo Design

Video: The Pell Partnership

Video: Checking In

Radial Typeface

Sela Lewis
Owner, Inherent Design by Sela Lewis
Sela Lewis is a UI/UX designer, design researcher, design strategist, service designer, and culture writer. She is a graduate of Howard University, with a B.F.A. in Graphic Design.